7.Ulusal Her Yönüyle Kentsel Dönüşüm Kongresi düzenlendi.

Çukurova Gayrimenkul’un Platin Sponsor olarak yer aldığı 7’nci Ulusal Her Yönüyle Kentsel Dönüşüm Kongresi İstanbul’da düzenlendi.

Kentsel dönüşüm sürecini kamuoyuna iyi bir şekilde anlatmak amacıyla 2013’te yola çıkan ve bu alanda ilk ve tek ulusal kongre olan “Ulusal Her Yönüyle Kentsel Dönüşüm Kongresi”nin 7’ncisinde riskli binaların dönüşümü ve akıllı şehirler her yönüyle ele alındı.

Kongre kapsamında, bu yıl üçüncü kez “Kentsel Dönüşüm Başarı ve Teşvik” ödüllerini almaya hak kazanan belediyeler, 2 ay sürecek yoğun değerlendirme çalışmaları sonucu belirlendi.

İnşaat sektörünün ve belediyelerin önde gelen temsilcileri ve başkanları, kentsel dönüşüm konusunu 4 ayrı oturumda masaya yatırıldı.

Belediyelere yönelik ödül töreni ile başlayan kongrede, “Yerel Yönetimler Açısından Çevresel Sürdürülebilirlik ve Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Akıllı Şehirler Süreci”, “İnşaat ve Gayrimenkul Sektörü Açısından Çevresel Sürdürülebilirlik”, “Tüm Yönleriyle Akıllı Şehir Uygulamaları” ve “Kentsel Dönüşüme Öneriler ve Yeni Modeller” başlıklı oturumlar düzenlendi.

“Gayrimenkul Hukuku Enstitüsü Kentsel Dönüşüm Haftası Özel Oturumu”nun da gerçekleştirileni kongre kapsamında, kentsel dönüşüm ve akıllı şehirler konusunda hazırlanan doktora ve yüksek lisans tez çalışmalarına da başarı ödülleri verildi.


  1. En İyi Riskli Alan İlan Eden Belediye Ödülü
  • Kayseri Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Oruç Reis Projesi Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Haluk SUR
  • Bursa Yıldırım Belediyesi (Mevlana Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Prof. Hatice AYATAÇ
  • İstanbul Güngören Belediyesi (Tozkoparan Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Ali Kemal ŞAHİNSOY
  • Tekirdağ Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Altınova Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Prof. Dr. Derya OKTAY
  • İstanbul Zeytinburnu Belediyesi (Beştelsiz Mahallesi Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Pervin KINIK
  • Bursa İnegöl Belediyesi (Turgutalp Mahallesi Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Murat AYAN
  1. En İyi Kentsel Tasarım ve Yenileme Yapan Belediye Ödülü
  • Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Mevlana Türbe Önü Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Dr. Haldun ERSEN
  • Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Merkez Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Prof. Dr. Hatice AYATAÇ
  • Nevşehir Belediyesi (Karasoku Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Prof. Dr. Derya OKTAY
  • Bursa Gemlik Belediyesi (Gemlik Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Ersoy PEHLİVAN
  1. En İyi Sanayiden Dönüşüm Yapan Belediye Ödülü
  • Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi – (Yeni Motorlu Küçük Sanayi Sitesi Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Dr. Haldun ERSEN
  1. En İyi Tarihi ve Kültürel Dokunun Ortaya Çıkarılmasını Sağlayan Belediye Ödülü
  • Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Tepebaşı Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Haluk SUR
  • Erzurum Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Kale Çevresi Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Pervin KINIK
  • Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Çarşıbaşı Hanlar Bölgesi Projesi Başarı İle) Ödülü Veren – Dr. Haldun ERSEN
  • Konya Karatay Belediyesi (Mahmut dede Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) – Ödülü Veren Ali Kemal ŞAHİNSOY
  1. En İyi Sosyal Dönüşüm Projesi Geliştiren Belediye Ödülü
  • Ankara Yenimahalle Belediyesi (Yamaçevler Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Murat AYAN
  • İzmir Narlıdere Belediyesi (Narlıdere Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Pervin KINIK
  1. En İyi Akıllı Şehir Projesi Geliştiren ve Uygulayan Belediye Ödülü
  • Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Gönülbağı Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) – Ersoy PEHLİVAN
  • Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Mersin Teksin Projesi İle Başarı Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Dr. Haldun ERSEN
  • Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi (Açık Veri Platformu Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Ersoy PEHLİVAN
  • Bahçelievler Belediyesi (Akıllı İstasyon Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü) Ödülü Veren – Murat AYAN
  • Beyoğlu Belediyesi (3D Beyoğlu Projesi İle Teşvik Ödülü)
  1. En İyi Strateji Belgesi Hazırlayan Belediye Ödülü
  • Çorlu Belediyesi – Dr. Haldun ERSEN
  1. Kentsev Şehircilik Onur Ödülü – Prof. Dr. Yılmaz BÜYÜKERŞEN / Eskişehir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı

  Kentsev Şehircilik Teşvik Ödülü – Tevfik GÖKSU / Esenler Belediye Başkanı


  1. En İyi Doktora Tezi Başarı Ödülü
    Fatma Gözde KÖSEOĞLU- Kentsel Dönüşüm Sürecinde Meydana Gelen Gayrimenkul Rantı İçinde Kamu Payının Arttırılması – Ödülü Veren / Prof. Dr. Hatice AYATAÇ
  2. En İyi Yüksek Lisans Tezi Başarı Ödülü
    Duygu BİRCAN – Çevre Sorunlarını Azaltmaya Yönelik Kentsel Dönüşümle Akıllı Kentler Yaratma Önerileri – Ödülü Veren / Prof. Dr. Derya OKTAY
  3. Doktora Teşvik Ödülü
    Abidin KEMEÇ – Akıllı Kent Uygulamaları : Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Örneği – Ödülü Veren / Doç. Dr. Burcu ZEYBEK
  4. Yüksek Lisans Teşvik Ödülü
    Tuğçe ALTINKİLİT – Akıllı Şehir Tasarım İlkeleri İle Uyumlu Bir E-Planlama Sistemi Geliştirilmesi – İzmir Bayraklı Örneği – Ödülü Veren / Dr. Haldun ERSEN

Advantages of Buying a House from Kartal

Kartal, one of the most advantageous districts of Istanbul for residence and investment, is rapidly gaining value.

Housing prices will increase in Kartal

Kartal, which has become the new attraction center of Istanbul due to its rapid development and areas suitable for restructuring, has become an extremely advantageous region in terms of being located at the intersection of land, air, sea and rail system transportation axes. Located in the center of life as it is a region surrounded by shopping and living centres, hospitals, universities and schools, Kartal offers a life in touch with nature in the heart of the city with its long coastline, proximity to the islands and Aydos Forest. Having underlined that the region will gain value much faster in the next few years, Tamer Son, Chairman of the Board of Çukurova Gayrimenkul, emphasized that those who buy residences for investment purposes in Kartal can rent their flats very quickly or sell them easily at any time with their value and in a very short time. Stating that the housing prices in Kartal are quite affordable compared to the features of the region as of now, Mr. Son drew attention to the fact that it will not be possible to own a house in Kartal at these prices in the future.

Kartal, Istanbul’s fastest and continuously transforming district of Istanbul, has turned into a new center of attraction by moving forward to become the Maslak and Levent of the Anatolian Side. Standing out with its proximity to important locations such as Sabiha Gökçen Airport and Osmangazi Bridge; Kartal has become a very advantageous region for both living and investing, as it is at the center of transportation hubs such as E-5 and TEM connection routes, sea bus, fast ferry, Marmaray and metro. Kartal, which is a district rich in shopping and living centres, hospitals, universities and schools, is located in the center of life, but also offers a life in touch with nature, with its long coastline, proximity to the islands and Aydos Forest. Having that Kartal will gain value much faster in the next few years, Çukurova Gayrimenkul Chairman of the Board Tamer Son emphasized that regions and projects with high premium potential will always provide great profit to their investors.

Tamer Son stated that the income level and employment rate increased with apartments that are rented, sold and lived in with pleasure, the rapid development of the district and the increase in industrial opportunities added that “With the Courthouse, the population of white-collar workers in Kartal increased.

In addition, it has become a region preferred by health sector workers due to the large number of hospitals, teachers and families with children due to schools. Therefore, the flats of those who buy residential properties in Kartal for investment purposes can be rented out very quickly, or they can be easily sold at their value and in a very short time”  Reminding that Kartal is in an attractive location for those working on the Kurtköy-Gebze-İzmit line, which is the business district, Son stated that as it is rich in transportation alternatives, shopping centres and other social opportunities, it attracts attention from those who are looking for residences as well as investment.

Housing prices will increase in Kartal

Stating that housing prices in Kartal, one of the regions where urban transformation is progressing most rapidly, have almost doubled in recent years; Mr. Son emphasized that the district, which includes cultural areas, parks, hotels, restaurants, marina and marina, will become an even more important center of attraction in the coming years. Expressing that the housing prices in Kartal are quite affordable compared to the features of the region as of now, Mr. Son drew attention to the fact that it will not be possible to own a house in Kartal at these prices in the future.

Flat Alternatives


Immediate delivery rent guaranteed flats in Kartal, with 10 percent down payment and 120 months 0.98 interest without bank loan, suitable for all tastes and needs.

Çukurova Gayrimenkul, a subsidiary of SON Group, which has been carrying out prestigious projects in the construction sector for 25 years, offers apartments in different sizes and designs according to every need and taste in Çukurova Balkon, their project with the theme “Balcony is the Joy of Life” located in Kartal. It is possible to own a flat with a title deed ready in 24 months, with only 10% down payment, 0.98 interest opportunity up to 120 months, without bank loan from Çukurova Balkon, where the interior architecture and square meter distribution of even flats of the same size change. In the project, which includes 3 different types of 1+1, 60 different types of 2+1, 10 different types of 3+1 and 5 different types of 4+1 flats; there is also the chance to choose from alternatives such as en-suite bathroom, dressing room, pantry, terrace, garden use.

Çukurova Balkon, the project of Çukurova Gayrimenkul, one of the SON Group Companies, located in Kartal, the new attraction center of Istanbul, offers the opportunity to live together with nature in the center of the city, with alternative apartment types suitable for all tastes and needs. There are 3 different types of 1+1, 60 different types of 2+1, 10 different types of 3+1 and 5 different types of 4+1 apartments in Çukurova Balcony, where even the same size apartments change their interior architecture and square meter distribution. In addition, there is a chance to choose from alternatives such as en-suite bathroom, dressing room, pantry, terrace, garden use. It is possible to own a flat from the project which is ready for immediate delivery, by paying a down payment of 10 percent, with the opportunity of 0.98 interest for up to 120 months without a bank loan, with the opportunity to get the title deed ready in 24 months.

Chose a bigger kitchen or a bigger living room

In Çukurova Balkon, where 261 residences are located in two blocks with 19 and 20 floors, flats vary between 65 and 273 square meters. In the project, depending on preference, the living room of some apartments and the kitchen or bedrooms of some apartments are in different sizes.

In the center of Kartal, with a great view

Located 1.5 kilometers from Kartal Courthouse, Maltepe Park Shopping Mall and Piazza Shopping Mall, 600 meters from Kartal metro station, Anatolium Shopping Mall and IKEA, and 2 minutes from the Aydos Forest walking track, Çukurova Balkon not only offers easy access thanks to its central location and but also a living area away from the noise and traffic of the city, with a unique view in an area like an oxygen tank right next to the forest. Çukurova Balkon has at least one balcony in proportion to its size in all apartments, while some apartments have two or three balconies depending on their location and size, and some apartments have a terrace of up to 30 meters.

Wide green areas and two-storey indoor social facility

There is a two-storey indoor social facility area of 750 square meters in Çukurova Balkon, 85 percent of which is made up of green space. Social facilities in the project include a semi-olympic outdoor swimming pool, outdoor tennis court, basketball court, multi-purpose field, barbecue and walking area. The other social areas of the project are the hobby room, children’s playgrounds, children’s swimming pool, fitness center, sauna and steam room, cafeteria, meeting rooms, photocopy room, hobby rooms, indoor parking lot. In the parking garages, there is one parking space for 1+1, 2+1 and 3+1 flats and two parking spaces for 4+1 flats. In the project, where there is security with cameras, the warehouse areas on the ground floor can be used as warehouses.

Rent guaranteed apartments

Çukurova Gayrimenkul finds tenants in a suitable profile in a short time, through the Adason Real Estate Development and Investment Consultancy company, with which it has a contract for leasing. Thus, those who buy housing for investment purposes begin to earn profits quickly without any effort to find tenants.

The Importance of Location in Housing Selection

Tamer Son, Chairman of Çukurova Gayrimenkul, drew attention to the importance of locations with transportation advantage, high investment value and wide social opportunities.


Emphasizing that the most important criterion in the selection of a house is the location, Tamer Son, Chairman of the Board of Çukurova Gayrimenkul, made recommendations for those who want to own a house for the purpose of investing or living. Son, while choosing a location, stated that especially the regions with ease of transportation, high investment value and premium potential, and large social opportunities provide an advantage. Underlining that Kartal has become the new attraction center of Istanbul with its rapid development and areas suitable for restructuring, Mr. Son pointed out that the housing prices in Kartal are quite affordable compared to the features of the region as of now and it will not be possible to own a house in Kartal at these prices in the future.

Stating that depending on the necessities of social life, consumers prefer areas where they can easily reach and spend quality time in the city life, Çukurova Gayrimenkul Chairman of the Board Tamer Son emphasized that the most important criterion for those who would like to own a house, is location. Tamer Son recommended for those who would like to own a house for investment or living purposes to prefer regions with advantages in terms of transport, with high investment value and wide social facilities taking into account the fact that the location to be chosen directly affects the living standards,

Be careful about potential to increase

Stating that consumers who plan to buy a house should analyse the opportunities that the region brings and will bring, Mr. Son said, “The premium potential of the region where the house is planned to be invested should be well calculated. It is a sensitive issue to choose the right project that will provide high profit by researching the price and rental price of the house in a healthy way. Residences in central areas close to the metro, airport and sea transportation are always advantageous for both investment and living.”

Quickly rented, sold and enjoyed apartments in Kartal

Having stated that Kartal, which has become the new attraction center of Istanbul due to its rapid development and areas suitable for restructuring, has become an extremely advantageous region in terms of being located at the intersection of land, air, sea and rail system transportation axes, Mr. Son continued as follows:

Located in the center of life as it is a region surrounded by shopping and living centers, hospitals, universities and schools, Kartal offers a life in touch with nature in the heart of the city with its long coastline, proximity to the islands and Aydos Forest. With the rapid development of the district, which is expected to appreciate with a much faster acceleration in the next few years, and the increase in industrial opportunities, the income level and employment rate also increased. Along with the Palace of Justice, the population of white-collar workers in Kartal increased. In addition, it has become a region preferred by health sector workers due to the large number of hospitals, teachers and families with children due to schools. Therefore, the flats of those who buy residential properties in Kartal for investment purposes can be rented out very quickly, or they can be easily sold at their value and in a very short time” It is also in an attractive location for those working on the Kurtköy-Tuzla-Gebze-İzmit line, which is the business district of Kartal. Therefore, in addition to investment, it attracts attention by those who are looking for residences for residence purposes.”

Housing prices will increase in Kartal

Stating that housing prices in Kartal, one of the regions where urban transformation is progressing most rapidly, have almost doubled in recent years; Mr. Son emphasized that the district, which includes cultural areas, parks, hotels, restaurants, marina and marina, will become an even more important center of attraction in the coming years. Expresing that the housing prices in Kartal are quite affordable compared to the features of the region as of now, Mr. Son drew attention to the fact that it will not be possible to own a house in Kartal at these prices in the future.

Advice for Home Buyers from Turkey

Golden advice to Turkish people in Europe who will buy a house in Turkey

Off-the-shelf houses heady for inhabitation and title deed procedures are advantageous for the investors.

Noting that the Turkish construction industry has the strength and experience to produce world-class housing, Çukurova Yapı İnşaat A.Ş. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tamer Son, gave important advice to Turkish people in Europe who will buy houses in Turkey. Underlining that Turkish companies that have reached a certain capital structure, have sufficient staff and have completed a certain amount of work, have realized very successful projects; Mr. Son emphasized that the residences built by these companies, whose titles are ready, which can be inhabited or rented immediately, will be very advantageous for investors. Mr. Son stated that, in addition to immediately delivered residences, choosing reliable companies that have delivered their projects on time and completely and that have financial institutions behind them is an important criterion for preventing grievances and realizing profitable investments.

Emphasizing that Istanbul, which is among the prominent cities of Turkey and especially the world, in terms of housing investment, is in a very advantageous position, Çukurova Yapı İnşaat A.Ş. Chairman of the Board of Directors Tamer Son gave important clues to Turks in Europe about the points they should pay attention to when buying a house in Turkey. Tamer Son, who advises those who would like to get a quick return on their investments, to use their preference for completed branded projects; underlined that the residences, whose occupancy has been taken, whose deed is ready, which can be occupied or rented immediately, will provide a great advantage by eliminating the concerns such as “Will the project be completed on time, how will the quality be, whether resident title deeds can be obtained”. Mr. Son pointed out that it is very important to choose reliable companies that have delivered their projects in a timely and complete manner and have financial institutions behind them in order to avoid suffering and stated that projects with high premium potential, easy access to the metro, close to shopping malls and in central locations within life will be much more profitable.

The right company and project must be chosen

Emphasizing that the construction industry, which is the locomotive of the Turkish economy, has the strength and experience to produce world-class housing, Tamer Son said, “At this point, the important thing at this point is to prefer companies that have reached a certain capital structure, have sufficient staff and have completed a certain amount of work for a safe and profitable investment.”

It’s time to buy a house in Turkey

Underlining that the recently increased construction costs in Turkey have not yet been reflected in the housing prices of the completed projects, Mr. Son reminded that housing prices will rise rapidly with the effect of cost increases and the decrease in production amount in construction, after the stocks of immediately delivered flats have been depleted recently and said that now is the right time to buy a house in Turkey.